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15 + Chakras - Brief Overview - My Experience

Updated: Aug 28

Listen On The Higher Education Kxo Podcast

Chakra Is A Sanskrit Word For Wheel.

Chakras Are Spinning Vortices Of Energy That Move Up The Sushumna - Our Light Body.

The Chakras Are Energt Centres Within Us That Vibrate At Specific Frequencies Clockwise & Counterclockwise Up The Body.

They Are Opposite In A Man & Woman.

This Is How We Synchronize Perfectly Creating Life When We Come Together In Harmony.

Our Physical Vessel Is Made Up Of Many Different Layers.

Each Layer Within Our Body Has A Different System.

In Our Physical Body We Have 72, 000 Nadis & Meridians

The 7 Main Chakras Are Associated With Our Subtle Body; The Emotional Body.

Learn More About This By Reading The Blog Post Titled: The Auric Field.

Take A Peak At The Workshops That We've Put Together To Share This Information.

To Educate & Help People To Balance Their Energy Centres Within While Working With The Energy Centres Beneath & Above The Body.

Learn An In Depth Basis Of The Chakras;

Determine What Chakras Within You Need Attention & Energy Work Based On Their Purpose.

Access To My 10 Minute Chakra Current Playlists That Ive Put Together

For Personal Meditation & Energy Shifting Purposes.

Interested In Working Closely With Your Chakras That You Feel Really Need Your Attention TO Shift The Trajectory Of Your Daily Life?

Join The Chakra Balancing Techniques Program

Sneak Peak Within A 7 Day Trial In The Chakra Balancing Techniques Program

Within This Program You Will Have Full Access To Information Based On The Knowledge That Ive Put Together Over The Years Through Research & Experience Corresponding To The

7 Main Chakras Within The Body.

I've Put This Course Together To Share Balancing & Activation Techniques.

You'll Have Access To Information On All Of The Chakras That I Have Been Working With &

All Of The Techniques That I Have Within My Conscious Awareness Thus Far.

For All 16 Chakras.

I Will Update The Information As I Continue To Develop In My Spiritual Practice.

You Will Have Access To My Chakra Balancing Playlist. Visualization Techniques. Meditations. Mudras. Colour Therapy, Sound Vibration, Toning Information. Yoga Poses For Each Chakra.

You Can Also Read About Each Chakra Individually On The Blog.

The Program Will Unlock All Of The Techniques.

This Is Information That I've Been Learning & Working With Over The Past Few Years Since Opening & Activating All Of My Chakras Since Starting My Enlightenment Journey.

In This Blog Post I Will Describe The Basis Of The Chakras.

Not Just The Main 7 Most People Know

But The Chakras That I've Been Studying & Working Closely With In My Field.

Bringing Me The Experiences That I Have & Continue To Develop

As I Live This Beautiful Journey We Call Life.

The Earth Star - Vasundhara - 68.05 Hz - Muddy Brown - Magenta

The Mineral Kingdom. Grounding. Healing With The Earth From The Soles Of The Feet.

The Akashic Records Of Mother Gaia - Information From The Past. The Wisdom Of Our Ancestors & Collective Consciousness. The Gateway To Inner Earth. Our Connection To Mother Gaia & Her Crystalline Iron Core. The Ground Spirits. The Gem Microbial. Greater Awareness Within The Harmonics Of The Natural World, Including The Entire Earth.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Bronzite. Snowflake Obsidian. Black Obsidian. Black Tourmaline. Hematite.

Smoky Quartz. Dalmatian Jasper. Picture Jasper.

The Root Chakra - Muladhara - 396 Hz - Red - Earth Element - I Am...

Survival. Stability. Feeling Secure. Comfort. Grounding. Rules The Material Realm & Basic Survival Blueprints. Connected To The Mantra; I Am. Creating A Stable Root Chakra

Is Necessary For Building The Foundations You Wish To Cultivate For Yourself In This Life.

Assisting Us In Overcoming Challenges. Connected To The Feet & Legs. The Ida & Pingala.

Our Most Concentrated Form Of Consciousness. Dense Powerful Emotions; Fear. Anger. Sadness. Our Primal Instincts.Our Thoughts & Feelings Formed From Early Childhood.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Red Jasper. Garnet. Mahogany Obsidian. Snowflake Obsidian. Black Obsidian. Black Tourmaline. Tourmalinated Quartz. Hematite. Smoky Quartz. Dalmation Jasper. Picture Jasper.

Learn More About The Root Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

The Sacral Chakra-Swadhisthana-417 Hz-Orange-Water Element-I Feel

Pleasure Centre. Creative Centre. Sensuality. Sexuality. Love Exchange Through Connection. Bringing Feminine & Masculine Energies Together. Passion. Intimacy. Abundance. Inspiration.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Bronzite. Carnelian. Orange Calcite. Sunstone. Peach Moonstone.

Learn More About The Sacral Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

In Between The Sacral & Solar Plexus Chakras There Is A Chakra Point Called

The Hara Line, The Amber Hara Point, The Dantian, The Field Of Elixir Or The Sea Of Chi.

This Chakra Point Connects Within The Astral Field To The Subtle Body.

This Chakra Connects The Souls Purpose To Our Personal Will.

Learn More About The Hara Line Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra-Manipura -528 Hz -Yellow-Fire Element-I Do..

Personal Power. Confidence Centre. Will Power. Strength. Action. Vitality. Connecting To Our Purpose & Sense Of Self. Identity. Connected To The Sun. The Solar Plexus Is Connected To Our Integrity, Leadership, Sovereignty. Our Manifestation Gateway. The Law Of Cause & Effect Is Born Here. Connected To Our Gut. Mind-Body Connection To Our Subconscious Mind.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Citrine. Yellow Jade. Yellow Aventurine. Yellow Tourmaline. Tigers Eye. Pyrite.

Learn More About The Solar Plexus Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

The Heart Chakra- Anahata- 639 Hz -Green-Pink-Air Element- I Love..

The Doorway To The Sacred. The Bridge Between The Physical & Spiritual Realms.

Where Negative Patterns Are Reversed & Cleared. Divine Wisdom Is Accessed Here. Heart Centred Consciousness. Compassion. Kindness.Connected To The Cosmic Heart. Connected To The Nervous System & Our Brain Telling Us How To Feel Through Heart Coherence; Where The Heart, The Mind & Emotions Communicate In Alignment With One Another.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Rose Quartz. Rhodonite. Rhodochrosite. Pink Peruvian Opal. Pink Tourmaline.

Unakite. Prehnite. Green Aventurine. Olive Jade. Tree Agate. Malachite. Verdelite.

Learn More About The Heart Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

Thymus Chakra- Higher Heart-Etheric Heart-Atma-352Hz-Aquamarine

Unconditional Love. Karmic Awareness. Understanding. Immunity. Where Intention Originates.

It Helps To Connect Language With Emotions Like Compassion. Creating Profound Heart Coherence - Profound Heart Healing. Bridging Emotion & Intellect To Connect More Fully To Divine Love. Use EFT To Reprogram & Rewrite Old Patterns & Programming In This Chakra.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Rhodochrosite. Pink Tourmaline. Green Tourmaline - Verdelite. Aquamarine.

Learn More About The Higher Heart Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

The Throat Chakra - Vishuddha - 741 Hz -Blue- Ether Element-I Speak...

Self Expression. Authentic Truth. Communication. Expression In All Forms. Verbal. Non Verbal. Internal & External. Connects Us To The Realms Of Higher Consciousness & More Subtle Spiritual Levels. The Centre That Projects Our Creations Into The World Giving Structure To Our Reality Through Expressive Vibration; An Oscillation Of Energy Waves - Verbally Spoken - Sound. Creating The Correspondence With Our Environment. This Is How We Create Our Reality.

Learn More About This Information By Reading My Blog Posts :

Learn More About The Toroidal Field

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Opening/Balancing This Chakra Include:

Amazonite. Aquamarine. Turquoise. Blue Tigers Eye. Blue Peruvian Opal.

Blue Tourmaline- Indicolite. Blue Toned - Labradorite.

Learn More About The Throat Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

The Zeal Point Chakra

OM-Magenta-G#- 44-New Evolution. The Well Of Dreams.

Ascension. Visual Processing. Vivid Dream Recall. Spiritual Abilities. Astral Travel. Astral Projection. The Clair Senses. Gateway To Consciousness. Higher Understanding. Inner Guidance.Healing Abilities. Telepathy. Divine Harmony. Speaking Your Truth.

Connected To The Pineal & Pituitary Glands. - The Medulla Oblongata.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Awakening This Chakra Include:

Pink Tourmaline. Rainbow Fluorite. Clear Quartz.

Learn More About The Zeal Point Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

The Causal Chakra-Rainbow Bridge-The In Between-A#-Moon White

The Past Life Chakra.Connected To The 4th Dimension - Archangel Christiel - Female Embodiment Of Jesus Christ. Divine Feminine Consciousness. Illumination. Compassion. Love. Intuition.

Purity. Messages From Spiritual Realm. Higher Wisdom From Spirit Guides. Karmic Memory.

Adjoins The Crown & Third Eye Chakras. Wisdom & Compassion - Vibratory Resonance.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Awakening This Chakra Include:

Amethyst. Black Moonstone- Larvikite. Rainbow Moonstone. Clear Quartz. Selenite.

Learn More About The Causal Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

The Third Eye Chakra - Ajna - 852 Hz - Light Element - I See...

The Mystical Centre. Transmits Visual Information - Sensory Sight & Psychic Sight. Sixth Sense Knowledge. Inner & Outer Vision. Self Reflection. Spiritual Thought. Higher Perspective.

Perception Shifts. Higher Consciousness Information Translation. Insight. Divine Wisdom.

Inner Knowing. Intuition. Imagination. Connected To The Pineal Gland. Internalize The Outside World. Externalize The Inner Multidimensional Self.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Awakening This Chakra Include:

Lapis Lazuli. Blue Tigers Eye. Sodalite. Tourmalinated Quartz.

Learn More About The Third Eye Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

The Crown Chakra-Sahasrara- 963 Hz -Thought Element-I Understand..

Gateway Of Transcendence. Higher Consciousness. Spiritual Connection. Divine Inspiration.

The Abode Of Truth. Satya Loka. Achieve The Attainment Of Nirvana & Samadhi - Intense Concentration Through Meditation. Enlightenment. Channels For Downloads From The Ether. Ultimate Knowledge - Consciousness. Breaking Through The Anandamaya Kosha - The Bliss Illusion Sheath - Causal Body. The Crown Chakra Is Connected To The Pituitary Gland.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Awakening This Chakra Include:

Amethyst. Blue Goldstone. Opalite. Moonstone. White Howlite. Clear Quartz. Rutilated Quartz.

Learn More About The Crown Chakra + Techniques To Open, Activate & Balance

The Soul Star Chakra - Vyapini - 272.20 Hz. 1074 Hz.

The Bridge To Higher Energies In The Universe. Where The Ascension Journey Officially Begins. Connected To Our Souls Purpose. Our Souls Eternal Blueprint. Connected To Higher Self. The Akashic Records. Our Physical Incarnation In COnnection To Our Soul Contracts. Needs. Wants. Lessons Wished To Accomplish In This Lifetime. Our Deeper Spiritual Awareness.

Access To Higher Dimensions. Past Life Regressions. This Is The Seat Of The Subconscious Mind.

Gemjewellerykxo Crystals For Awakening This Chakra Include:

Amethyst. Selenite. Clear Quartz.

I Have Personally Found That Once Balancing All Of Your Personal Chakras,

Through Extensive Change & Through Awakening Consciousness.

The Soul Star Chakra Opens Up Naturally.

You Start To See The Signs & Symbols Right In Your Face.

The Colours Become Magnified. The Ether Shows Up In Plain Sight.

Your Clair Senses Become Activated & Heightened.

A New Journey Begins.

The Oversoul Chakra - Paramatman - Supreme Soul

The Main Umbrella Of The Soul. A Composite Consciousness Managing All Of Our Incarnations At Once. This Is Multidimensional. Presence In Many Realities Simultaneously Offering Guidance, Support & Direction In Each. Includes Soul Contract. Spiritual Wisdom. A Collection Of Past Experiences From Multiple Lives. This Information May Be Accessed Across Lifetimes - Where You Can Begin To Rewrite It To Your Current Needs, Bringing Healing ToAll Timelines.

Learn More About The Soul Star Chakra & The Oversoul

Learn More About Your Soul Path Through Numerology

The Stellar Gateway - Vyomanga - 448 Hz

A Cosmic Portal To The Rest Of The Galaxy - Galactic Gateway

Stargate To Your Galactic Heritage-Lineage Of Light.

The Stellar Gateway Bridges Humanity To Your Star Family Through The Oversoul.

It Is Connected To The Constellations. Planets. Galaxies.

Our Celestial Connections; Pleidians. Lemurians. Arcturians. Andromedans. Cassiopeians. Lyrans. Hathors. Etc. Divine Love & Light.

Learn More About The Stellar Gateway

The Planets & Constellations That Reside In The Stellar Gateway

Energies Cast Out Onto Our Planet - Affecting All Of Us On A Daily Basis.

The Luminaries


88 Constellations - The Energies Within The Stellar Gateway Connected To Star Families

The Galactic-Universal Gateway - Ananta - 4096 Hz

Collective Consciousness. Unity Consciousness. Refers To The Whole Universe. All Galaxies.

The Matrix That Holds Every Reality Together. Closely Corresponding To The 8th Dimension.

A Library Of Records Of Everything The Universe Contains. All That Is, Was & Ever Will Be. Configurations Of Pure Light Essence Flows Down From This Elevated Plane Creating Sounds, Sacred Geometry & Eventually Physical Form. A Collective Chakra Providing A Portal To Accessing Knowledge Of The Universe In This Dimension & Many Worlds Beyond Our Imagination. This Is Referring To The Greater Universe. All Galaxies - 100 billion planets.

The Divine Source Gateway - Samana - 432 Hz - The Cosmic Heart

An Auric Umbrella. Spiritual Ascension. A Direct Connection To God Source Energy.

Universal Consciousness. The Divine Mind. The Energy Of All That Is. Pure Consciousness. A Unified Field That Is All Knowing. All Powerful. Ever Present. Encompasses All Realities Including those Yet To Be Created. This Chakra Opens One Up To Exploring & Knowing The Deepest Parts Of Ourself. Untapped Creativity That Embeds Itself Into The Very Structure Of All That Is. Our Unique Special Codes, Gifts, To Share As Our Divine Spark Of Source Energy. Opening This Chakra Removes All Illusions Of Separation, Replacing This With Interconnectedness. Love Is The Element That Binds It Together. Remembering The Limitless Power & Potential Available Through Intention To Merge With This State Of Being. Acknowledging That You Are A Person, A Soul, A Galactic Being With Galactic Consciousness, A Collective Contributor Your Spirit Begins To Integrate With All Facets Of Your Life Across All Multiverses, Timelines & Dimensions.

My Experience & Take On It All.

The Way I Look At The Chakras & This Divine Chakra System Is That When Our Body Perishes, Our Soul Goes Back Up To Source. The Divine Source Gateway. Back To God Source Energy.

Even When We Sleep It Is Said That Our Soul Leaves Our Body & Travels To Other Dimensions To Bring Information Back To Help Us To Develop On Our Journey.

I Have Personally Felt Myself Reentering My Body & Coming Back Into Form After Sleep At Times. Depending On What Ive Consumed That Day, The Fasting & The High Vibrational Consumption Is What Brings These Experiences On. The More Empty The Body, The Higher Vibrational Currents Are Felt.

I Will Feel My Whole Body & Its Vibration Before Sleep & Coming Back Into This 3rd Dimensional Reality. I Have Experienced This Time & Time Again. The Astral Travelling, Astral Projections Happen & Are Remembered Unexpectedly. Without Trying. The Right Crystals Above The Head, Or Beside You In Sequence Bring On Heightened Astral Experiences. I Am Still Practicing This.

There Have Been Times Where I Have Been Able To Pull Information From Other Realms/ Dimensions. I Dream Recall & Am Able To Decipher This Information In The Physical Reality Through My Research & Analysis. I Than Begin To Experience The Depths In This Reality.

We All Subconsciously Know What Our Soul Needs To Develop On The 3D Plane.

In The Higher Chakras Including Our Crown This Is Conscious Awareness.

What I Believe Is That We Choose Our Life Before We Reincarnate On Planet Earth In The Physical - The 3rd Dimension Which Is Shifting Into 5th Dimensional Consciousness.

We Choose Our Path. Our Destiny Is Written For Us Based On What We Wanted To Discover & Develop In This Lifetime.

We Chose Our Lessons To Be Learned For The Soul Purpose Of Development.

We Have The Power Of Free Will In This Life To Choose Our Path.

To Choose How Long It Takes Us To Learn The Lessons; As Most Of Us Often Repeat The Cycle Until The Lesson Is Learned. The Challenges & Karmic Cycles Will Continue To Repeat Themselves Until The Habit Is Broken & The Lesson Is Learned. This Opens New Doors To New Experiences.

Kind Of Like A Check Point. You Can Learn More About This Within Numerology. Your Divine Path Is Written & Articulated Through Your Unique Numbers From Birth.

To Learn More Read The Blog Post Titled: Numerology

Back To The Chakra System & How It Goes Full Circle.

I Believe That Our Soul Lives Forever. We Are Immortal Through Our Soul Reincarnate.

Energy Never Dies. It Only Transforms. It Lives Forever.

We All Chose To Be Here On Planet Earth For A Specific Reason, At This Specific Time;

To Add To The Consciousness Of The Collective. Everyone Has A Purpose & We All Are Here To Develop Our Soul. Some Of Our Souls Are Older Than Others. All Souls Matter. Young & Old.

When This Body Perishes, As It Has Fulfilled Its Time Here. Fulfilling The Mission It Came Here To Complete, The Soul Goes Back Up To Divine Source Energy.Where It Decides If Its Coming Back For More. This Is Where The Choices Are Made.

We Have To Go Through The Divine Source Gateway; God Consciousness.

Through The Universal Gateway Consciousness Where We Choose Our Soul Development.

We Choose The Portal Based On The Circumstances We Want To Incarnate Into, The Best Fit For Our Chosen Path. This Portal We "Jump" Into Through This 3D Realm Is ; Our Mother.

Our Father & Mother Are Both Chosen By Us To Take On Their Lineage For Soul Development.

We Choose Our Characteristics Through The Stellar Gateway. As Astrology & Astronomy; The Planetary Alignments With The Constellations Play A Huge Role, Painting A Picture For Our Unique Character Traits. Divine Numbers - Numerology - Timing All Plays A Role. These Divine Aspects Which Can Be Learned Through Study & Self Study Will Help You To Understand Yourself At A Deeper Level. Everything Is Connected. Our Soul Travels Through The Constellations & Planets Through Divine Alignment - Connecting With Our Star Family Through This Stellar Gateway Before Jumping Through The Portal Into The 3rd Dimension; Our Mother.

The Over Soul & The Soul Star Chakra Is Connected By A "Silver Cord" Through The Causal Chakra Connecting Us To The Higher Realms & The 3D Plane Which Is Connected As An Umbilical Cord In This Reality Through Our Belly Button Which Nourishes Us Into The Physical.

Once We Start Our Growth In Our Mother Thats When The Rest Of The Chakras Start To Develop.

Each Chakra Is Also Associated With The Planets. The Constellations & Numbers. The Patterns Show Themselves In All Of The Above. I Will Be Connecting All Of Them As I Continue To Study & Share This Information In Future Blog Posts.

Take A Peak At The More In Depth Blog Post: Titled Chakra - Prana - Life Force Energy.

This Program Goes More In Depth With All Of The Chakras.

Techniques For Balancing & Activating The Main Chakras Within The Body

Including: Affirmations. Yoga Poses, Meditations & More.

It Will Include How You Can Tell If Your Underactive. Overactive.

If Your Chakra Is Open. Closed. Or Balanced.

Within Your Sushumna Nadi- Your Spinal Axis Where The Chakras Are Located

Within Your Light Body.

All My Love

-Kate xo

To Take A Peak At The Blog Post Below For A Replay & Peak Into Our Last Chakra Education & Integrative Session; Hosted For The Purpose Of Teaching & Helping Those Aligned To Heal. Awaken. Activate & Balance Their Energy Centres Within.

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