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Celestial Events |

Updated: 21 hours ago

Here’s An Overview Of The Celestial Events ✨ Mark Them In Your Calendar

The Virgo New Moon Is Currently In Cancer ♋️

September 1st At 10:30pm - September 3rd At 11pm


The Full Moon | Lunar Eclipse Energies

Starts Around 1:45am On Tuesday | Mars Day September 17th Predicted To Be In The Constellation Pisces ♓️

Take A Look At NASAS Satellites To See Where It Actually Is In Current Time During Each Celestial Event. I Use The App Night Sky

This Lunar Eclipse Energy Only Lasts Until 7pm Before The Moon Shifts Into Its Next Phase The Waning Gibbous Phase.

The Lunar Eclipse Energy Brings The Energy Of Rewind. Reliving A Past Situation | Relationship Differently.

Seeing How Far You've Come, How Things Have Changed. It’s Like Stepping Into A Time Machine When You’re Aware Of It. ✨

Learn More About The Different Moon Phases Under The Moonology Section

Moonology Course. Collection. Work Book| Journal. Katelynn Samuels Designs Loading...

Work With The Energy Of The Last Quarter & Full Moon

Work With The Energy Of The New Moon

September 9th - 9/9 Portal

Read About The Energy Below Where I Go Over The Annual Celestial Events Between Numerology & The Alignments In The Stellar, Universal, Galactic & Divine Gateways

Listen To Mariya, A Divine Channeller

Talking About Her Take On The 9/9 Portal Energy

For A Brief Description Of All Of These Celestial Bodies Use The Blog Post Below

Take A Look At The Retrogrades For 2024

To Learn More In Depth About Each Constellation & Their Energy Look Into The Blog Posts Within The Astrology - Moonology Section Below

✨Pluto The Planet Of Transformation & Rebirth Is Retrograding In The Constellation Aquarius The Star System Of Eccentricity, Invention, Humanitarianism & So Much More. Go Deeper Using The Higher Education Kxo Blog Posts Above.

Pluto Is Spinning Backwards Until October 12th Where It Will Reside In Capricornus The Star Constellation Of The Driven Business Minded Leaders For A New Cycle As It Stations Direct.

✨Saturn Went Retrograde In The Constellation Aquarius ♒️ | ♓️ On June 29th & It Will End | Staion Direct In The Constellation Pisces

On November 15th 2024

✨Black Lilith Entered Libra Until March 27th 2025 Bringing Balance & All That The Star System Libra Brings To The Collective In Connection To The Energy Of Black Moon Lilith.

✨Neptune The Planet Of Spirituality, Compassion, Imagination | Ruling Our Dreams & Illusions Goes Into Retrograde | Bringing Us The Opportunity To Experience Its Energy Intensely To Push Forward. In The Constellation Pisces. Neptune Will Station Direct On My Birthday | December 7th In The Constellation Pisces Enhancing Its Energy Within Our Lives.

Learn More In The Blog About Neptune Through The Posts In The Astrology | Moonology Section Or Purchase An Astrology Book.

I Recommend The Stars Within You: A Modern Guide to Astrology

Learn More About The Moon Phases & Their Energies Using The Moonology Blog Posts |

Podcast Audio | Available Now On Spotify | Higher Education Kxo

Work With The Energy Of The Moon Phases Using Divine Wisdom.

Moonology 101 Course Loading...

10 Percent Off All Gemjewellerykxo Products Sitewide Every New & Full Moon Phase.

These Celestial Events Affect All Of Us Here On Planet Earth As They All Emit Frequencies | Surrounding Us & Impacting All Of Us Daily From Up Above In The Sky | Within The Stellar Galactic Universal Gateways

Your Personal Chart Will Decode How It Affects You Energetically | It Showcases The Reason For Why You Feel The Way You Feel.

If You Are Interested In Learning More About Your Astrological Breakdown,

Visit The Higher Education Kxo Blog Post To Discover Your Charts.

Use The Courses Page To Tap Into The Section That Sparks Interest.

For Astrology |

All You Need Is Your Birthday, Time, Place To Calculate An Accurate Reading.

For Numerology |

All You need Is Your Birth Certificate Name & Date Of Birth | Incarnation

If You Need Help To Access Your Charts, Or Want To Learn More About Your Astrology, Numerology, Moonology, Crystal Frequency, Sacred Wisdom Teachings.

Book A Session With Me.

This Meeting Will Allow Me To Determine What Your Needs, Hearts Desires & Goals Are.

Visit My Courses Page To See What I Offer In Service & Education.

Dive Deeper In The Blog Posts, Podcast Audios, Courses Or

Book A Specialized Service With Me

Yearly Celestial Events

Every Moon Phase Is Considered

A Celestial Event

Casting Out Lunar Energies Onto Planet Earth & All Of Us On The Planet

Learn More About Moonology

Astrology | Moonology Section

January 1st - 1/1 Portal

1 Is All About Independence

Individuality. Uniqueness. Leadership.

New Beginnings.

Innovation. Determination. Accomplishment.

This Is A Time To Think About All That You Wish To Step Into | A Time To Manifest & Know That With This Portal You Can Create Anything You Set Your Mind To For The Year(s) Ahead

January 11th - 111 Portal

An Extremely High Manifestation Day To Manifest Dreams Into Reality With Help From The Divine Source Gateway| Creator Energy| God Source Energy| Universal Energy| Portal Activation

February 2nd - 2/2 Portal | Imbolc

Divine Feminine Energy. A Day To Receive.

The Energy Of Duality

Looking Outside Yourself To See Two Sides To The Situations | Experiences

Cooperative Peacemaker Energy

Learn More About 2 Energy Using Numerology | Divine Numbers\

(Scroll Down To The Number Meanings Or Learn About Numerology |

A Divine Tool For Self Discovery | Self Development | Self Mastery

February 22nd - 222 Portal - Divine Alignment & Divine Karma

Message; All That You Have Done Prior To This Day Has Lead Up To What You Are Experiencing On This Day & Time - But Also Through The Power Of Choice; As We Have The Power Of Choice Through Our Human Experience & We Choose With Our Higher Faculty Known As The Will.

The Rebirth Collection Was Launched On The 222 Portal At 2:22 pm Coincidentally Was When I Completed Uploading The Launch, Without Even Meaning To. However My Subconscious Knew All Along, As I Started The Launch Hours Before, Posting All Of The Rebirth Bracelet Designs.

I Chose This Date Because 222 Means Divine Alignment & A Year Later I Read A Book That I Had Sitting In My Book Collection Untouched, It Gave Me Even More Information About This Date. I Had Purchased It, Years Ago Without Even Opening Until Years Later When I was Ready To Connect With It. This Book Is Titled : The Daily Laws By Robert Greene

In That Book I Learned That February 22nd Is A Day Connected To Transformation.

February 22nd 2022 | The Day I Chose To Launch That Collection Was A Powerful Alignment Portal That Amplified The Transformation Energy Within All Of My Designs Within That Collection. Learn More About The Rebirth Collection Below |

March 3rd - 3/3 Portal

3 Energy Is Connected To Self Expression.

Creative Energies | The Sacral Chakra | The Solar Plexus Chakra

Creator Energy | Connection To Creating Art In All Forms

Through The Voice | Throat Chakra

This Is A Time To Self Express & Create - Leave Your Mark In This World

Get Creative.

3 Is Also Connected To The Trilogy |Trifecta Energy

The Triple Moon Goddess | Divine Feminine Essence Within

The Maiden | The Mother | The Crone

The Father | The Son | The Holy Spirit |

Use This Energy To Create.

Note: Both Men & Women Have Divine Feminine | Masculine Energy

March 21st | Spring Equinox | Ostara

Balance Of Night & Day

Lunar Goddess Of Fertility.

Learn More About The Goddesses Below

Listen To Learn On Our Podcast

Higher Education Kxo |

Available Now On Spotify

April 4th - 4/4 Portal

4 Is Connected To Dedication.

Dedicated Work & No It Doesn't Have To Be Hard.

When You Do What You Love, "Hard" Work To Most Becomes Fun & Exciting.

The 4 |4 Portal Brings Stability Energy | Stable Energies Into Your Field

4 Brings The Energy Of Stability.

4 Is Also Connected To Divine Protection

444 Is A Full Connection To The Divine | Ancestors | Spirit Guides & Their Protection Energy Surrounding You. Listen To My Podcast Episode On Divine Numbers To Hear About My Storytime With The Number 44 | 444 Energies.

Learn More About The Energy Surrounding The Number 4 In Numerology

Divine Numbers Blog Post | Podcast Episode

May 1st - Beltane

May 5th - 5/5 Portal

5 Is Connected To Change.

Progression. Movement. Travel. Adventure. Fun.

It Is Connected To Magnetism | Magnetic Energy

The 5|5 Portal Is A Time For Great Changes.

Transformational Energy Is Also Associated With This Portal.

June 6th - 6/6 Portal

6 Is Connected To Love.

Love Frequency.

The Home. Family. Responsibility. Care.

On The Darker Side To 6 It Deals With Materialism.

I Prefer To Stick With Higher Vibrational Love Frequency.

666 Is A Number That Can Be Used & Interpreted One Of Two Ways.

With Light Or with Dark.

When You See 666 A Powerful Surge Of Love Frequency Is Accessible In Your Energy Field. That Energy Is Entering Your Frequency & It Depends On Your Perspective & Focus | Your Intention

Whenever I See 666 & Pop On This Wavelength, I've Noticed A lot Of People Complimenting Me & Looking At My Designer | Materialism | I Receive Amplified Love Frequency Everytime.

Although Mainstream Society Teaches Us To Fear This Energy & Gives A Darker Vibration To It.

Transcend The Lower States of Consciousness & Vibration Using Your Conscious Awareness.

Use The Map Of Consciousness To Transcend Fear Into Love | Raise Your Vibration.

Litha | Midsummer Nights Eve

June | Waxing Gibbous Moon

Before The Full Strawberry Moon

Around June 21st |

Summer Solstice

Learn More

Higher Education Kxo Email 📧

Learn More About Each Number Energy

Using The Numerology Blog Posts |

Higher Education Kxo Podcast

July 7th - 7/7 Portal

The Number 7 Is Connected To The Energy Of


Diving Deeper Into Information,

Beyond The Surface Level.

Contemplative Truth Seeking.

7 Energy Is Connected To Quiet Time Alone.

Specializing In Your Craft.


Relaxing. Thinking.

Analyzing. Studying. Reading. Connecting To The Self. Connecting To Nature.

To God | The Universe | Divine Source Energy.

7 Energy Is Intuitive. Analytical, Intellectual. Deep. Insightful, Inquisitive.

During The 7|7 Portal Its A Time To Go Within.

August 8th 8:8 Portal


2024 - 8 Year

888 Portal

This Portal Occurs When The Star Sirius |

The Sun | The Moon

Align Perfectly In Alignment With

The Pyramids Of Giza

Learn More About The 8:8:8 Portal This Year

2024 | Universal Year 8

August 17th 2024 & August 26th 2024

Also Adds Up To 8:8:8

In Numerology

The Universal Energy Will Be Connected To Infinite Abundance

Utilize The Blog Post Above To Guide With an Abundance Ritual

During This Potent Energy.

September 9th - 9/9 Portal

Beautifully Written By @kaylahoule

9 Is The Number Of Completion.

A Number That Carries The Frequency Of All Of The Numbers Preceding It.

To Learn About The Energy Of All of The Numbers Look Into The Numerology Blog Posts.

Under The 9 Energy We Notice Feelings Of Compassion For Those Less Fortunate.

Its A Good Time To Be A Helping Hand.

To Be Of Service.

To Get Creative

As The Energy Of 333

36|9 Connect With The Energy Of The 9.

99| 18|9 Read The Energy Of The 9. 1. 8.

Learn More

Brief Overview

Deeper Explanations

September 21st - 22nd| Mabon

The Autumnal Equinox

A Day Of Rebalance.

Yin & Yang

The Dark & Light In Balance

Where The Day & Night Becomes Equal

The Autumnal Equinox Is A Day To Rest & Reflect

To Recharge & Supercharge All Of Your Intentions For The Future

October 10th - 10:10 Portal

An Energy Of Divine Balance.


Cycles That Are Watched Closely By The Divine

Release What Doesn’t Serve You, Detach, Allow Yourself To Let Go Of What Does Not Deserve Your Energy & Attention.

Amplified 1 Energy.

A Time For New Beginnings.

Alignment. Leadership. #1 Unique Winner Energy. Independence.

October 31st - All Hallows Eve |

The Veil Is Low |

Be Conscious Of The Energy You’re Calling In On This Night.

Last Halloween I Felt Like I Was In A Time Machine.

November 1st | Samhain

November 11th - 11:11 Portal

December 12th - 12:12 Portal

December 21st | Winter Solstice

Friday The 13th

Friday Is Connected To The Planet Venus; The Planet Of Beauty & Love.

A Time To Connect To The Part Of You That Feels Beautiful, To Do The Things That Make You Feel Beautiful. To Connect To What Makes You Feel & Embody The Consciousness Of Love. As Love Is Not Only A Feeling But A Consciousness.

The Number 13th Represents The Divine Feminine.

The Number 1 In Numerology Represents Independence. New Beginnings. The Pioneer.

The Number 3 In Numerology Represents Self Expression & Creativity.

Friday The 13th Is A Day That We Have All Been Conditioned To Fear.

But There Is Nothing To Fear. This Is The Day Of The Goddess.

A Day To Embody The Energy Of The 1, 3 & 13.

To Embody The Energy Of The Planet Venus.

Here Is A Message Written By Monica From Bright Souls;

"Before the patriarchy the divine feminine in us all was honored on every Friday the thirteenth. This is a day where we honour all of creation, birth, death and rebirth. Where we honour the cycles of the moon, the seasons, and our own menstrual cycles. There is 13 moon cycles and 13 woman's menstrual cycles in a year. It is said that we as woman travel through 13 Goddess Archetypes in our lives. These cycles show us the gift of shedding the old, creating new and honouring the cycles each month, each season and each year. This is a time to observe your own cycles. This is a time to nourish the feminine energies within, To honour the beauty that resides within you and all the bountiful beauty outside of you.

Long ago woman when they were bleeding, this was considered to be embodying the magic divine feminine powers. She was regarded by all; for her wisdom, intuition and messages from spirit.

When a woman was ovulating usually on the 13th day of the month if she was in sync with the moon, she was considered to be in the height of her power and was celebrated for her ability to receive, hold and create new life.

When the patriarchy took power over society they shamed woman for bleeding and ovulating.

They dismissed their power and wisdom. It was shamed to have and hold new life.

This is where the myth of Friday 13th began to be told as bad luck or an unlucky day.

This day is not just for woman it is for us all, we all embody the divine feminine energy within us. Take some time today to connect to your emotions, and sensitivities and give thanks to the divine creation in all of us."

A Reminder To Embrace The Energy Of Friday The 13th The Next Time It Comes Around.

The Power Of The Eclipses

Eclipse Season Happens Every Year.

The Solar Eclipse Is Connected To The New Moon.

The Lunar Eclipse Is Connected To The Full Moon.

The Eclipse Energy Is Released When The Moon Passes Between The Earth & The Sun.

The Solar Eclipse Is A Time Where Energy Is Extremely Intense; It Becomes Heightened.

The New Moon As The Dark Phases Of The Moon.

Bringing Darker Energies In;

It Is Important To Use The Power Of Your Will & Choice To Choose The Energy

That You Want To Embody & Project Out.

Do Not Allow The Energy Of The Eclipse To Take Over Your Energy.

The Reason A Person Blacks Out When They Are Consumed By Dark Energy Is Because Their State Of Consciousness Is Low. This Happens To People When They Ingest Alcohol; Spirits.

It Is Important To Keep Your Energy & Consciousness In The Vibrations Of 500 & Above.

Low Vibrational Energies Cant Match The Frequency In The Higher States Therefore It Cannot Take Over The Human Vessel.

It Is Important To Live In A State Of Love, Joy, Peace & Harmony.

To Do The Things That Make You Feel These Higher vibrational States Of Consciousness.

We Attract The Energy We Are; So Make Sure To Keep Your Consciousness In The Higher States Always, But Especially During This Time As The Eclipses Heighten All Energy.

During The Eclipse

The Higher Vibrational Feelings Will Feel Really High.

The Lower Vibrational Feelings Will Feel Really Low.

Remember; The Lower Frequencies Can Not Infiltrate Your Being When Your Frequency Isn't Matching That Vibration. Like Attracts Like Energy.

It Is Important To Be Aware Of This; As We Have Control Through The Power Of Our Will.

We Choose Our Frequency.

The Triggers During This Time; Let Them Pass.

They Come As Lessons & Periods Of Transformation & Growth.

Keeping Your Solar Plexus Activated & Balanced Is Crucial During This Time.

During An Eclipse Our Power Centre Is Going To Be Releasing All Of The Old Patterns Within Us. Any Distortions & Blockages Holding Us Back.

All Chakras Will Be Affected As When One Goes Out Of Alignment They All Do.

Its Important To Stay Grounded. Resting. Meditating. Doing Things That Make You Feel &

Bring You Into A State Of Balance.

To Learn More About The Chakras & Balancing Techniques

I Created A Program To Educate & Help Others Through My Experience.

The Crystals I Recommend During This Time Are:

Black Tourmaline; It Is A Grounding Crystal. Black Tourmaline Helps One To Hold

Their Confidence & Blocks The Energies That Try To Dissipate It.

Clear Quartz; To Heal, As The Master Healer. It Also Brings Clarity Within The Auric Field. Clarity Of The Mind. Body. Soul.

Rose Quartz; To Bring In The Energy Of Self Love. Pure Unconditional Love Vibrations Into The Auric Field.

Citrine; The Stone Of Positivity. A Crystal That Negative Energy Can Not Penetrate.

All Low Vibrations Are Transmuted Into High Vibrational Energies Through The Geometric Patterns Within Citrine Crystals. This Specimen Emits A Frequency To Keep Your Vibrations In A State Of Pure Joy & Happiness; When Brought Into Your Field. Citrine Is Also The Abundance Stone. A Stone For Manifesting Wealth & Prosperity. It Is A Great Crystal To Have Close By During A Time Of Reflection & Intention Setting.

The Eclipse Energy Is A Time To Go Within. To Reflect. Refocus & Set Intentions.

With An Eclipse It Is A Good Time To Recognize Your Power.

Making Your Own Choices;

Recognizing How You Are Acting, Responding, Co Creating Your Reality.

Are We Hold Our True Energy Or Are We Acting From The Ego?

It's Important To Recognize This.

With Free Will We Have The Choice To Act Out Of Our Mind - Using Our Logic Or Our Heart - Acting Out Of Feeling Or In Mind & Heart Coherence.

I Talk About Brain & Heart Coherence In The Blog Post On The Auric Field

To Learn More About This Click The Link Below;

We Have The Power To Shift Timelines By Making Choices That Are Aligned With Our Highest Timeline. Our Highest Selves. This Is A Time For Transformation.

The Eclipse Will Bring Feelings To The Surface.

It Will Help You To Release What No Longer Serves You;

It Will Force Relationships To Either Break Or Mend.

The Eclipse Will Shed Light On This.

There Are Many More Celestial Events Occuring Every Day |

With All Of The Planetary Alignments

I Do My Best To Repost & Post About Them On My Social Media Accounts






If There Are Any Celestial Events You'd Like To Add Or Would like Me To Speak Upon That

I Haven't Mentioned Please Comment Below.

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