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Brain Wave States

Updated: Jul 23

To Listen To This Information Through The Higher Education Kxo Podcast

Breakdown On Each Of The Brainwave States Near The End Of This Blog Post

Note: The Diagrams & Reference Links That Will Bring A Better Understanding Of This Knowledge Is Available Within This Blog Post.

The Human Brain Is Miraculous.

It Is Extremely Powerful.

Storing More Data, More Information Than Any Computer.

There Is Nothing In This World Like That Of The Human Brain.

Our Brain Forms The Same Crystals That The Earth Forms Through The Elements.

As Beings Connected To The Earth & Elements It Doesn't Come As A Shock To Me That Studies Within The Human Brain - Has Found That Crystals Form Within Us.

The Same Crystals That They Use In Our Technology To Power Our Phones & All Electronics.

Quartz Crystals.

Powerful Healing Crystals That Are Formulated Through The Elements; Water, Fire, Earth, Air, Ether. Each Crystal With A Geometric Pattern Unique To The Type Of Crystal Emitting Out A Stable Frequency.

The Lattice Structure At A Molecular Level Is What Determines The Energies That Are Emitted Through Each Crystal Type Of Formation.

You Can Learn More About The Science Of Crystals In This Blog Post I Put Together;

Learn More About Quartz Crystals On The Blog Post Below;

The Mind Is So Powerful That It Controls The Body.

Even By Thought Alone, The Neuro-Pathways Connect & Rehearse In Preparation For Action.

Read The Book: Becoming Supernatural By Joe Dispenza. Purchase On Amazon :

Learn From Dr. Joe Dispenza's Research.

I've Been Listening To Him For Quite Some Time.

He Has Connected Science To Spirituality & He Is One Of My Personal Favourite Teachers.

Look Him Up & Learn From Him Yourself.

The Information On The Brainwave States Below Have Actually Come From His Teachings. For An Audio & Visual Watch This Video

We Are In The Age Of Information. So Put It To Good Use.

Do Your Research & Learn From Those That Are Above Average.

We Can Manipulate Energy Using Our Thoughts & The Power Of The Word.

Action Is Important In The Physical Realm But On A Dimensional Level;

Tapping Into Higher Planes, Future Realities Of The Life You Dream;

Is Based Upon Reaching The Frequency Of That Lifestyle.

Matching The Frequency Of The Person You Need To Become To Fulfill That Timeline.

Tapping Into A Higher Version Of Yourself.

Your Higher Self.

This Is Achieved Through The Spirit Realm.

A Higher Dimensional Plane Than This 3rd Dimensional Reality.

It All Starts With Our Mind.

A Wise Man Once Said;

If You Can See It In Your Mind, You Can Hold It In Your Hands.

With The Mind, We Can Control What We Create. Through Thought.

As The Mind Controls The Body; Something You Will Learn Through Dr Joe Dispenzas Research.

In This Physical Realm Thought Is Manifest Through Divine Intervention & Our Actions.

The Average Mind Has 12,000 - 60,000 Thoughts Per Day.

In The Book: Think & Grow Rich - Napoleon Hill , You Will Learn That

Not All Thoughts Are Your Own. Thought Forms Are Energy That Jump Into Our Field

Through The Quantum Field of Pure Potentiality.

Think & Grow Rich Is Book That I Highly Recommend.

The Version With The Bob Proctor Afterword.

A Book That Has Impacted My Life Substantially.

When A Thought That Is Negative, Or Isn't Yours Comes Into The Mind;

Through The Ethers - Through The Collective Consciousness & Beyond That.

It Is Up To You To Recognize That The Thought Doesn't Belong.

To Shut It Down, Kick It Out.

How Do You Do This?

When A Thought Comes In, Speak Your Truth Aloud.

The Authentic Truth Of What You Want.

Through Your Higher Self & The Version You Wish To Embody

In Pure Love & Pure Consciousness.

For Example:

Negative Thought : I Feel Sick. I Feel Awful. I Have A Headache. I Think I Have Covid. Covid Has Ruined My Immune System. Covid Is The Reason I Have Vertigo. I Am Always Sick. ...

Do Not Speak These Things Out Loud.

As The Mind Controls The Body & The Words We Speak Cast Out A Vibration Into The Field Which Gets Sent Back Into Our Auric Field & This Impacts Our Physical, Emotional & Mental Layers Of The Body.

Learn More About The Layers Of The Auric Field;

Learn About The Power Of The Spoken Word

When You Speak Aloud Upon Your Thoughts ; You Give These Thoughts & Feelings Power.

Kick The Low Vibrational Thoughts & Feelings Out!

Our Being & Our Bodies Are Miraculous.

We Have Healing Power Within Us.

Once That Parasympathetic Nervous System Kicks In We Can Heal Ourselves Miraculously & Instantaneously Just From Our Thoughts & Feelings Creating Neurotransmission Through The Nervous System; Controlled By The Mind & Heart In Coherence.

It Has Been Scientifically Proven That The Mind Controls The Body.

Through Dr Joe Dispenza's Research & Studies On Many.

People Have Healed From Spinal Injuries To Cancer & Disease.

Based On Thought & Feeling.

Through Brain & Heart Coherence Which Awakens The Healing Properties Within Us.

Through The Parasympathetic Nervous System.

When These Low Vibration Negative Thoughts Come In,

Remember Not To Speak Them Out Loud.

If You Speak Upon Them You Focus On Them; You Fuel Them.

You Are Receiving A Direct Outcome Of These Thoughts.

Programming Your Body To React To Them Bringing You More Illness. Low Immune System. Dizziness. Vertigo Episodes. Continuous Sickness Cycled Time & Time Again.

Break The Cycle.

Speak What You Want. Give Power To What You Want!

Speak It Into Existence. As Long As It Is In Love. Connected To Love Frequency & The Good Of All, Through God Consciousness - The Divine Gateway - The Universal Laws;

Through The Ether, It Will Be Cast Out & On Its Way To Your Auric Field.

If You Have A Headache. Instead Of Saying It.

Go Outside & Speak About How Healing The Sun Is. How Healing The Earth Is.

How Good The Sun Makes You Feel. How Good It Is To Breathe The Fresh Air.

Stick Your Feet On The Earth Plane & Allow It To Bring You Healing From The Soles Of Your Feet At A Molecular Level Bringing The Minerals From The Mineral Kingdom Up Through Your Whole System. Suck On Some Ginger & The Pain Will Diminish In An Instant.

Don't Knock It Until You Try It

Speak Healing Into Your Existence.

Our Body Speaks To Us.

If You Need Rest, Give Yourself The Time To Rest.

Sitting In Silence Is Crucial For A Clear Mind.

No Phone. No Technology No Distractions.

Unplugging To Rejuvenate Is Important.

Through The Power Of The Will; One Of Our Higher Faculties We Have The Power Of Choice.

To Choose What We Want. We Choose What We Create & Bring To Life In This World.

We Choose The Actions We Make On A Daily Basis.

Most Of Us; Have Been Brainwashed Into Thinking That We Don't Have This Power.

The Power Of The Will. As The Mainstream Society Has Trained The Collective To Follow Their Agenda & Fulfill Their Plans Steering Us Away From Our Own.

You Can Take Your Power Back.

Just As I Have. Along With Many Others.

It Isn't Something That Is Easy To Do But Remember This.

Fortuna Audaces Iuvat.

Fortune Favours The Bold.

Our Higher Faculties; The 6 Mental Faculties Are:


2. Imagination

3. Perception

4. Memory

5. Intuition

6. Reason

Use Your Higher Faculties Daily To Create The Life That You Seek.

Once You Raise Your Vibration To Match The Frequency Of The Life That You Desire,

It Will Only Unfold For You Through Divine Alignment & Divine Timing.

You Must Work On Your Path & Purpose Daily.

A Wise Man Told Me; When You Work On Your Garden, You Will Attract The Butterflies.

A Very Beautiful Message.

Reminding Me To Focus On My Path. My Purpose. My Vision.

To Focus On What I Want To Leave This World With. My Legacy.

As I Focus On My Garden. I Will Attract All That Is Aligned.

It Is Inevitable.

Working On Yourself Is The First Step.

Being The Version Of Yourself That Deserves The Life That You Desire,

That Is A Vibrational Match To It, Only Makes Space For You To Receive It.

It Takes Inner Realm Work.

Ego Death.

Dark Night Of The Soul.



Soul Evolution.

You Have To Step Out Of The Matrix.

The Game Of Monopoly That Majority Of The World Follows On A Day To Day Basis.

This Is A Life Where You Do What Is Set Out For You By The Ones You Believe To Be In Power & Control Over Your Life. Your Mind. Your Actions. There Are Many Living Like This. I Was Once One Of Them. Until I Went Through The Inner Realm Work I Spoke On Above.

Take Your Power Back.

Take Control Of Your Mind.

Your Thoughts.

Your Actions.

The Government & Mainstream Media Controls The Minds Of The Masses Everyday Through The Television. Media & Through Radio Waves. Feeding People Information, Sound Frequencies On The Radio To Manipulate The Consciousness Of The Collective. To Get The People To Listen, To Confuse People, To Have The People Singing Along To The Songs That Cast Circumstances In. The Words Cast Into Our Energy Fields Just As The Sounds Do. Learn More About This In The Blog Post Titled: The Power Of The Word.

The Matrix Is There To Distract The Majority Of People.

They Do This So That The Consciousness Of The People Is Under Their Control.

To Control The Minds Of The Masses.

Learn How To Control Your Own Mind.


Educate Yourself.

Learn How To Manipulate Energy To Benefit Your Mind.

To Benefit Your Life.

It All Starts Within The Mind.

The Mind Is Controlled Through Its Brainwaves.

These Are The Brainwave States;

Beta. Alpha. Theta. Delta.Gamma. Epsilon. Lambda.

Energy Can Be Manipulated With The Power Of Sound Frequencies.

Healing With Sound Frequency Is Extremely Powerful. You Can Learn More About That In The Blog Post Titled; The Power Of Sound Frequency.

Brain Wave States Are Based Upon Frequencies.

The Food We Eat Adds To Our Frequency.

For Example:

Tarte Cherries ; When Injested, They Produce A Hormone Called Melatonin In The Body.

If You Take A Tablespoon Before Bed Of Natural Tarte Cherries It Will Bring You Into A Brainwave State Of Theta. Activating Something Called REM Sleep. Your Dreams Will Become Vivid As The Mind Is In This Brainwave State. Bringing About A Restful Sleep In A Shorter Period Of Time.

Listening To Sound Waves; Sound Frequencies Will Also Match Our Frequency To That Of What We Are Listening To.

I Have A Chakra Balancing Playlist I Created To Bring About Two Currents Of Energy.

One Called Mukti - The Liberation Current & One Called Buhkti - The Manifestation Current.

Mukti & Bukti Are The Sanskrit Names For These Currents.

The Information That I've Been Able To Pull While Meditating With These Sound Frequencies Is Out Of This World. The Astral Travelling. The Knowledge I've Been Able To See & Pull Back Into This Dimension - The 3rd Dimensional Reality - For The Growth Of My Business.

The Ideas. The Things I've Seen Are Pioneering In This Reality.

All Because Of Manipulating Energy;

For My Benefit & The Benefit Of The Collective Consciousness.

Learn About The Different Brainwave States.

Information I Retrieved From Dr. Joe Dispenza.

Beta Brainwaves- Conscious Mind

Waking Consciousness

When The Eye Picks Up Daylight; The Optic Nerve Sends A Signal To The Pineal Gland.

Generating A Neurotransmitter Called Serotonin

Serotonin Is The Daytime Neurotransmitter

Creates Excitatory Function In The Brain

The Brains Job Is To Create Meaning From The Inner World To The Outer World

Through The Senses.

This Brainwave State Is Connected To Thinking.

Thinking About How You're Feeling. Thinking About Your Environment.

Thinking About Your Daily Tasks.

Beta Rhythm Oscillates 12-38 Hz

Low Beta -12-16Hz - Occurs When Thinking

Beta Waves - 16.5 -20 Hz - Occurs When You're In Engaged In Activities Or Paying Attention.

High Beta - 20.5 - 38 Hz - Occurs When You're Excited Or Nervous.

When You Experience Something New - Have Complex Thoughts.

Beta Brainwave State Increases Focus & Alertness.

It Brings Strong Longterm Memory.

Alpha Brainwaves - Conscious Mind - Subconscious Mind


When Light Begins To Diminish The Signal To The Pineal Gland Transforms

Serotonin To Melatonin When The Light Diminishes.

The Neocortex Slows The Brainwaves Down & Moves From Beta To Alpha.

Making You Sleepy.

Alpha Brainwave States Occur On Thought Alone.

This Is When You Begin Disconnecting From The Outer World.

Hearing & Seeing Less Information.

As 80% Of Information Comes Through The Eyes.

Sensory Wise.

Going Into Stillness-Transcending Time.

In Alpha You Can Still Hear & Sense The Outer World But Your Attention Is On The Inner World.

Allowing The Body To Fall Asleep While The Mind Is Still Awake.

This Is The Stage Before Falling Asleep

A Relaxed State - Meditation - Hypnosis

Inner World - Attention

Induce Relaxation & Sleep

Where Flow State Occurs.


Alpha Brainwave State Improves Focus, Creativity & Learning.

Theta Brainwaves - Subconscious Mind

Allows The Body To Fall Asleep. While The Mind Is Awake

Known As The Twilight Zone

Dreaming State

Theta - 4-8 Hhz

Deep Theta - Binaural Beats - 4Hz

Sleepy Or Drowzy State

Associated With REM -Rapid Eye Movement - Stage 2 Sleep

Theta Brainwaves Bring Anxiety Reduction.

Induces Self & Spiritual Awareness.

Increases Focus. Meditation. Cognition. Behaviour.

Learning & Memory.

Instantaneous Change Can Happen In Theta Brain Wave State.

In This State The Body Is Resting But The Mind Is Showing Activity.

(This Is Where The Soul Is Dimensionally Travelling - Dreaming State)

Delta Brainwaves - Subconscious Mind

0.5 - 4Hz

Deep Restorative Sleep - Stage 3 Sleep


Slow Wave Sleep

Initiates The Release Of Hormones For Healing. Regenerative.

Anti-aging. Releases Hormones Like Melatonin & DHEA

Taps Into The Unconscious Mind & Higher Spiritual Consciousness

Women Produce These Brainwaves More Than Men.

Gamma Brainwaves - Super Consciousness

32-140 Hz

Awakens Kundalini Energy

Takes Melatonin - Turns It Into DMT - Thalamic Gate - Pineal Gland

Fastest Brainwaves Bandwidth

This Is Where Decision Making Occurs In The Brain.

Attentional Control. Sexual Expression.

Digestion. Instantaneous Healing.

Concentration, Creativity, Problem Solving Are Enhanced.

This Brainwave State Lowers Stress & Anxiety Levels

Improves Mood. Sleep Cycles. Memory.

Where You Maintain Wakefulness.

This Is The Energy Needed To Complete Daily Tasks.

All Of That Energy, When Built Up Within The Body; The Parasympathetic Nervous System Switches On With The Sympathetic Nervous System- This Energy Moves Up The Sushumna Nadi- The Spinal Axis- Than Starts To Release Into The Brain Through The Brain Stem.

This Is Where The Thalamic Gate Is Located - Connected To The Zeal Point Chakra.

According To Dr Joe Dispenza & His Research;

The Pineal Gland Is Sensitive To Pressure So When This Energy Is Released Into The Thalamic Gate, The Pineal Gland Begins To Release Electromagnetic Energy.

The Electrical Current Begins To Activate The Nervous System - The Microtubules In The Cells Turn On- Tuning Into Possibility; The Field Of Pure Potentiality,

Processing A Greater Stream Of Consciousness Into The Quantum.

When The DMT Gets Released Through This Gamma Brainwave State What Is Experienced In Your Inner World Feels More Real Than What You've Experienced In Your Outerworld.

This Is Memorable Through Feeling.

The Brain Tracks This Neurologically. As You Produce A New Chemical.

The Body Moves Out Of The Past In This State Of Consciousness; Super Consciousness.

Instantaneous Healing Begins Through This Energy Release & People Have Been Healed From Cancers & Disease.

I'd Recommend Getting In Touch With Dr Joe Dispenza's Research & Workshops For This Healing.

As He Is Someone That Healed Himself From A Spinal Injury & Has Healed Many People Through His Research And Studies Being A Doctor; Without Pharmaceuticals.

The Zeal Point Chakra Is Connected To;

Ascension. Visual Processing. Vivid Dream Recall. Spiritual Abilities. Astral Travel. Astral Projection. The Clair Senses. Gateway To Consciousness. Higher Understanding. Inner Guidance.Healing Abilities. Telepathy. Divine Harmony. Speaking Your Truth.

Connected To The Pineal & Pituitary Glands. - The Medulla Oblongata.

Learn More About The Chakras Briefly In The Blog Post

Learn More In Depth Information About The Chakras In My Chakra Balancing Program

Where I Share Techniques About Balancing Each Chakra With A Variety Of Modalities That I Use & That Have Been Proven To Open, Activate & Balance The Energy Centres In The Body

Epsilon Waves

Oscillate At A Frequency Of 0.01 Hz - 0.5hz

Infra Low Frequencies

Most EEG Cant Measure These Waves As They're Less Than 0.5 Hz

Imbedded In Lambda Waves

Allow A State Of Suspended Animation - Yogis & Meditation Experts - Experience This

An Extraordinary State Of Consciousness

Higher Awareness

Lambda Waves

Oscillate A Frequency Of 100 - 200 Hz

Tibetan Monks - Himalayas

Linked To A Higher Level Of Consciousness

A State Of Oneness & Wholeness

Beyond Just Deep Meditation

Discovery & Insight

Meditation & Breathing Exercises

Matching Sound Frequency

The Brain Wave State Timeline

0-2 Years Old

Functioning In Delta Brainwave Patterns

Asleep With Their Eyes Open


2-6 Years Old

Twilight - Lucid - Theta Brainwaves

Inner World - Imaginary State. Subconscious State. Absorbing Information, Sounds & Imagery.

Attention To Their Inner World.

As They Learn The Laws Of The Environment The Brainwaves Move Into Alpha.


The First 7-12 Years Of Life

Subconscious Mind - Alpha. Theta. Delta.

This Is Where Kids Pretend. Play.

They Are Paying Attention To Both Their Inner & Outer World.

As They Learn From Their Environment, Their Internal Chemical State Alters.

It Wakes Them Up - They Start Paying Attention To Who & What Caused Things.

The Awareness Starts To Shift From The Inner World To The Outer World.


12 +

Beta Brainwave State Is Consistent - The Outer World Has More Attention.

Where The Outer World Is More Real Than The Inner World.

Low Level Beta;

Relaxed. Paying Attention To Learning.

Absorbing Information.

When Youre Interested In A Particular Topic When Learning You Will Go From Beta To Alpha.

Consolidating Information Neurologically In Order To Learn.

Hi Level Beta;

When Anxious You Go Into This State.

Fearful. Emotional. Freaked Out. Excited. Nervous.

When You Have An Increased Sense Of Focus & Alertness You're In Hi Level Beta.

But Its Not A Time To Learn. Trust. Communicate.

This Is An Altered State Of Consciousness.

There Is A gap Between The Way Things Appear And The Way Things Really Are.

(You'll Find Yourself Saying "I Should Have Never Done This Or Said That")

You Cant Retain Information In Hi Level Beta As No New Information Will Come Into The Nervous System According To Dr Joe Dispenza's Research.

When Living Bt The Hormones Of Stress YouProduce Incoherent Brainwave Patterns.

This Brings On An Emergency. Survival State.

It Brings The Root Chakra Out Of Balance.

Which Than Causes Physical Pain Ex. Sciatic Nerve Pain

This Is Caused From The Stress Hormones Produced.

When You Connect To Source

Your Consciousness Is Subjective -Free Willed Consciousness

Merging With Objective Consciousness - Intelligent Love.

The Brainwaves That Were Divined Begin To Work In Harmony

This Is Where You Will Start To Feel Whole.

Have A Love For Life.

You Become Spontaneous. Poised. Clear

The Brain Functions In A Holistic State.

As We Get Older & Enlighten Ourselves;

Awaken To The Truth, The Mind Will Be More Conscious.

You Can Tap Into The Superconscious.

As You Become Aware.

More Intelligent.

As You Learn About How To Benefit The Mind,

You Will Be Able To Control Your Thought Patterns.

Your Brainwave States & Recognize The Difference Between Them.

Practice Brain & Heart Coherence

Thoughts : Carry An Electrical Charge In The Quantum

Feelings: A Magnetic Charge In The Quantum

How You Think & How You Feel Broadcasts.

Convergent Focus - Matter - Particle

Divergent Focus - Energy - Wave

Relax The Brainwaves From Beta To Alpha

From Brain To Heart

In Connection To The Nervous System

You Can Do This Through Breathe Work & Meditation.

Visit My Blog Post Spiritual Journeying To Learn About Some Breathe Work Techniques

Subscribe To The Blog To Stay Tuned For The Blog Post Coming On Meditation.

Practice Convergent & Divergent Focus

* Focus On The Energy Centre That You're Working With.


* Focus On The Space Around It


Have Open Awareness - Autonomic Nervous System

Put An Intention There.

Where You Place Your Attention Is Where You Direct Your Energy.

* Send Coherent Messages To Your Energy Centres.

Energy Centre: Chakra

Refer To The Blog Posts On The Chakras Available On The Blog.

Brief Overview On The 15 Chakras That Ive Been Working With

Blog Posts On The Individual 7 Main Chakras

Chakra Education & Balancing Techniques Program - Main 7 Chakras

Type In The Search Bar, Type The Chakra Of Choice To Focus On

For Quick Access.

The 7 Main Chakras In The Body

Root. Sacral. Solar Plexus. Heart. Throat. Third Eye. Crown.

Full Blog Posts On The Other Chakras Coming Soon

Subscribe To The Blog For Updates.

Higher Heart- Thymus. Causal. Zeal Point. Earth Star. Soul Star.

& More


Use The Sound Frequencies Listed To Activate Your Brainwaves.

Tap Into Your Inner Realm & Create The Life Of Your Highest Potential.

To Match The Frequency For The Brainwave States;

Allowing You To Tap Into The Wavelength

Listen To The Sounds As Follows;

Epsilon: 0.01 - 0.5 Hz

Delta: 0.5 - 4 Hz

Theta: 4Hz -8Hz

Alpha: 8Hz-12Hz

Beta: 12-38 Hz

Lo - 12Hz-16Hz

Mid- 16.5Hz - 20Hz

Hi- 20.5Hz - 38Hz

Gamma: 25Hz - 140Hz

Lambda: 100Hz - 200Hz

Learn More About The Brain

The Information That I Found Beneficial From This Post;

Corpus Callosum : Allows The Two Hemispheres Of The Brain To Communicate With Eachother.

Cerebral Cortex

90% The Neocortex.

The Different Cortex Sections





We Also Have The Limbic & Reptilian Parts Of The Brain Which I Had Knowing Of & Found Information To Share So We Will Get Into It Afterwards.


All Of The Information Associated With Each Of The Cortex Sections

Frontal : Decision Making. Problem Solving. Conscious Thought. Attention. Emotional & Behavioural Control. Speech Production. Personality. Intelligence. Body Movement.

*Motor Cortex- Body Movement. *Prefrontal Cortex - Thinking. Problem Solving.

* Brochas Area - Speech Production.

Occipital : Visual Processing. Interpretation. Visual Data Collection. Object/ Facial Recognition.

Depth & Distance Perception. Visual World Mapping.

Parietal: Sensory Information; Touch, Pressure, Pain, Position, Vibration, Temperature Processing. Spatial Processing. Manipulation. 3D Spacing; Knowing Your Whereabouts.

*Somatosensory - Sensory Information. Touching A Hot Teacup, Knowing Its Hot.

Temperal : Language Comprehension. Speech Information. Learning. Memory. Hearing. Sound & Visual Image Conversion. Non Verbal Interpretation.

*Wernicke's Area - Speech Tones. Sounds.

The Cerebal Cortex Is Classified By 3 Different Areas




Sensory: Receiving Information From The Senses & The Environment.

Visual Information. Object Recognition.

(Occipital Lobe; Visual Cortex)

Touch. Temperature. Position. Vibration. Pressure. Pain. Information From The Body.

(Parietal Lobe ; Somatosensory)

Hearing Information. (Temporal Lobe; Auditory Cortex)

Processing Taste. Flavour. (Frontal Lobe; Gustatory Cortex)

Motor : Voluntary Muscle Movement (Frontal Lobe) Coordination Of Muscle Movement. Planning Of Complex Movements. Learning Through Imitation. Talking With Your Hands. Empathy.

Association: All 4 Lobes. Adding Complexity. Organizing & Giving Meaning To Information. (Sensory & Motor) Personality & Controlling Emotional Behaviours. Spatial Awareness. Reasoning. Memory Processing. Visual Thinking.

Retaining Memories Through Visual. Sounds. Language.

For More Information Click The Link Above Or Do More Of Your Own Research <3

For Information On The Neocortex. Limbic Brain. Reptilian Brain.

The Conscious Mind Vs The Subconscious Mind

The Conscious Mind - Logical Mind. Thought Processes.

Reasoning. The Inner Voice.

The Average Brain; 10% Of The Brain Is Used At One Given Time.


The Subconscious Mind - 90% Of Information Is Stored.

The Subconscious Mind Absorbs Everything We've Ever Heard. Seen. Felt.

Been Through Since Birth & Even Before We Were Born.

It Is Always Awake & Always Listening.

It Is Connected To The Higher Self; Connected To The Soul Star Chakra & The Oversoul

The Oversoul Has Access To The Souls Akashic Records.

All Of The Information From Our Past. Present & Future.

It Knows Where You've Been. Where You Are Now, How You Got There & Where You're Going.

It Knows What You Need To Do To Get To Where You Want To Go.

It Knows All Of The Potential Outcomes; Based On Our Free Will, It Will Determine How Long It Takes & What Lessons & Experiences We Will Encounter On The Way.

The Subconscious Is Known To Communicate With Us Through Our Higher Self.

Bringing Up Themes To Help Us Evolve In Dream State.

Our Higher Self Orchestrates These Themes To Bring It To The Forefront In Waking Consciousness So That The Work Can Be Done.

Subconscious Awareness Is Important.

This Is Where You See The Pattern.

You See The Issue.

You Have The Ability To Accept It & Let It Go.

Learn More About Rewiring | Reconditioning | Reprogramming The Mind

Conscious Consumption Part 1

Provides Crucial Information For Rewiring | Reconditioning | Reprogramming

Stay Tuned For Part 2 | Diet Edition

How I Aged Backwards

With Conscious Consumption

If You're Looking To Reprogram Your Subconscious Mind

Hypnotherapy Is The Way To Go.

A Credible Source; Someone That I Trust, That Is Great A What She Does.

She's Very Wise & Is Certified In Many Things Including Hypnotherapy.

She Is A 36-9 Lifepath.

The Compassionate Humanitarian With Hidden Master 33/6 Energy

Learn More About Numerology & Find Out Your Numbers On My Numerology Blog Post

She's Extremely Enlightened & A Beautiful Soul That Has Helped Me Personally

On My Journey & Many Others On Their Journeys.

I Highly Recommend Booking A Hypnotherapy Session With Her.

My Experience With Hypnotherapy

I Had My Session : Friday 13th 2023

Friday The 13th Is A Day Of Divine Feminine Embodiment.

Friday - Associated With The Planet Venus.

Tap Into The Astrology Blog Post To Learn More About This Energy.

Its A Day For Luck With I Was Really Feeling That Day.

Its Associated With The 13 Cycles Of The Moon

A Day Of Enlightenment.

1 - Independence. New Beginnings. Pioneering. Abundance. Prosperity. Manifestation.

3 - Self Expression. Creativity. A Field Of Opportunity. The Law Of 3.

13- Femininity - Divine Feminine Energy. Goddess Energy. Cycles Of The Moon - Menstruation.

The Energy Surrounding My Day Was A 4 But A Karmic 13/4

Which Gives Me The Opportunity For Transformation.

The 4 Energy Brings In Stability. Dedication. Organization.

Lets Just Say It was An Extremely Productive Work Day For Me.

When It Was Time To Be Hypnotized It Was A Little Difficult For Me As Its Harder To Hypnotized The Enlightened Ones. Its Easier To Hypnotize Someone That Isn't As Tapped Into The Divine.

But Alessandra Is Fabulous At What She Does.

So She Was Able To Do It Because Although I Was Not Fully Under Hypnosis; She Was Still Able To Tap In As I Felt The Affects After Our Session & Am Still Feeling The Reprogramming At Work As We Speak.

I Needed Help Letting Go Of A Past Relationship & Past Trauma That Ive Been Working On Releasing For A Few Years Now.

I Felt I Could Use Some Help To Balance My Masculine & Feminine Energy.

I Embody The Divine Feminine Naturally;

As I Look Extremely Feminine & I Feel Extremely Feminine As A Petite Woman

But I've Been Giving A lot Of Masculine Energy In My Actions; As We Live In

A Patriarchal Society That Go Go Go Energy Is The Norm.

I'm Also Very Kind, I Love To Give Gifts So The Giving Energy Is Just Apart Of Me.

Giving Is The Masculine.

Receiving Is The Feminine.

I'm Also Big On Taking Action & Embodying The Movement Energy 5 Energy.

The Scorpius Ruling My Chart Also Brings Intensity With All That I Do.

A lot Of Masculine Energy.

This Is Where The Balance Reprogramming Was In Order.

Perfect Timing As It Is The Solar Eclipse - The New Moon In Libra

A Time Of Release & Balance.

If You're Looking To Connect With Alessandra For Hypnotherapy

She's On Social Media As:


Another Hypnotherapist I Will Link Here

He Is A Spiritual Messenger That Recently Entered My Energy Field & Has Activated Energetic Shifts Within Me Just From Talking To Him On A Connect Call Once

He Is A Divine Being Named Garret.

You Can Connect With Him Through Social Media;


More Information On The Brain;

Another Great Blog Post.

Learn More About The Brain, The Nervous System & The Brainwaves Doing Your Own Research.

As We Are In The Age Of Information It Is Very Easy To Find Knowledge Everywhere.

Books. Teachers. Drs. Online.

Feel Free To Comment Any Facts That You Feel Is Important For People To Know.



Book Recommendations |

Becoming Supernatural | Dr Joe Dispenza

Psycho Cynernetics | Maxwell Maltz

Watch This

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