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Astrology Breakdown

Updated: Aug 10

Western Astrology - Tropical - Hellenistic - Babylonian Approach

Vedic Astrology – Sidereal (Lahiri) - Vedas - Mayan Approach

Galactic Astrology – Current Day & Time - Nasa Satellites - Analysis Based - My Approach.

Most People Think That They Only Have One Sign,

Which Is Connected To Their Sun Sign.

That Is Not How Astrology Works.

Every Person Has A Birth | Natal Chart & Within Their Chart The Luminaries, The Planets, The Constellations & The Asteroids All Come Together In Certain Houses, Degrees & Aspects.

Within The Astrology 101 Course | Coming Soon

You Will Be Able To Read Your Birth Chart With All Of The Information Organized The Way That I Learned Through Self Discovery, Study, Development.

As You Will Notice Below The Sun Is Only One Of The Many Planetary Alignments That Make Up Your Birth Chart.

The Sun Sign Paired Up With A Star Constellation During Your Date & Time Of Birth

This Information Including Your Location Of Birth Will Determine How You Identify

In Terms Of Your Personality. Based On The Ego Within As The Sun Is Connected To Our

Identity & Ego.

Each Planet & Constellation Pair Up Will Give You Specific Information

About Your Self & Your Life In This Dimension & Timeline.

Each Alignment In The Sky Provides Us With This Information Based On the Energies Encoded.

Astrology Is A Tool That Decodes This Information.

Here I Will Be Going Over The Zodiacal Constellations;

That Constellations In The Orbit Of The Sun.

Where The Sun Crosses Through "The Ecliptic"

A Path That It Has Been Following For Thousands Of Years.

That Path Consists Of 13 Constellations. I Believe That It Actually Crosses Through 14.

But I Am Still Needing Proof , I've Seen The Sun Enter Ophiuchus On December 7th | My Birthday.

I Have Seen It Go Close To Cetus Many Times But Am Unsure If Cetus Is In The Path Of The Ecliptic. Something I Still Have To Analyze Using NASAs Satellites Through Technology. Once I Have Screenshots I Will Share The Proof Here With Higher Education Kxo On The Website.

Each Of These Constellations Cast Out Energies Through These Star Formations.

When Paired With A Planet; These Planetary Alignments Create Energy,

They Create Energetic Shifts In Our Lives.

Learn More In The Blog Post Titled; Astronomy Vs Astrology

Learn Deeper About The Zodiacal Constellations & Planets |Updates Coming As I Learn More

Here Is Some Information That I've Found Beneficial With My Astrology Studies.

For More In Depth Information On Each Visit The Link Above.


Fire - Enthusiastic. Spontaneous. Inspiring.

Water - Sensitive. Intuitive. Emotional.

Earth - Stable. Slow. Sensible. Realistic. Practical.

Air -Communicative. Intellectual. Social.

Learn More In The Blog Post Titled The Elements.


Cardinal - Creation. New Beginnings. Beginning Of Each Season.

Fixed - Preservation. Stability. Dependability. Midpoint Of Each Season.

Mutable - Transformation. Flexibility. Change. Adaptability. End Of Each Season.

There Are 13 Zodiacal Signs That Cross Paths With The Sun In A Year & Possibly 14.

The Western System & Society Only Uses 12. I Follow Current Alignments & Pairings Based On The Satellites. Learn More About The Systems I Use To Decode The Energy Within The Stellar & Galactic Gateways In The Blog Post; Astronomy Vs Astrology.

For More In Depth Explanations On Each Astrological Placement

The Zodiacal Constellations & Their Energies Are As Follows;

Aries - Ram - Fire.Cardinal. Independent. Direct. Impulsive. Aggressive. Ruler Is Mars.

Taurus - Bull - Earth. Fixed. Stable. Resourceful. Sensual. Patient. Luxurious. Ruler Is Venus

Gemini - Twins - Air. Mutable. Intellectual. Social. Duality. Synergistic. Ruler Is Mercury

Cancer- Crab - Water. Cardinal. Nurturing. Moody. The Mother. Clinging. Ruler Is The Moon.

Leo- Lion - Fire. Fixed. Passionate. Loyal. Proud. Dramatic. Fierce. Radiant. Ruler Is The Sun.

Virgo - Maiden - Earth. Mutable. Organized. Logical. Perfectionist. Messenger. Ruler Is Mercury.

Libra - Scales - Air. Cardinal. Balance. Collaborative. Romance. Harmony. Ruler Is Venus.

Scorpius - Scorpion - Water - Fixed. Passionate. Mysterious. Magnetic. Intense. Ruler Is Pluto.

Ophiuchus - Serpent Bearer - Ether - Healer. Teacher. Magestic. Unworldly. Ruler Is Chiron.

Sagittarius - Archer- Fire. Mutable. Philosopher. Adventurous. Honest. Traveler. Ruler Is Jupiter.

Capricornus - Seagoat - Earth. Cardinal. Business Mind. Driven. Disciplined. Ruler Is Saturn.

Aquarius - Water Bearer - Air. Fixed.Original. Eccentric. Futuristic. Awakener.Ruler Is Uranus.

Pisces - The Fish- Water. Mutable. Dreamer. Mystical. Poetic. Imaginative. Ruler Is Neptune.

Learn About The Other Constellations In The Sky;

Ill be Introducing Ophiuchus In An Upcoming Collection, Stay Tuned.

The Planetary Alignments

Sun- Self. Ego. Identity. Ruler Of Leo

Moon- Emotions. Instincts. Ruler Of Cancer.

Ascendent Rising -Personality. First Impressions. The Chart Ruler. Ruled By Uranus.

Descendant - Close partnerships, marriage, and the qualities we seek in others, often projecting aspects of ourselves we are less conscious of or that complement our own.

Medium Coeli -Public Image. Career. Ambition. Ruler Of Capricornus | Saturn

Imum Coeli- Foundations; Inner Private Life. Helps Write The Script.

Mercury- Communication. Intellect. Learning. Ruler Of Gemini | Virgo

Venus - Love. Beauty. Values. Ruler Of Libra | Taurus

Mars - Initiative. Action. Desire. Aggression. Go

Ruler Of By Aries.

Jupiter - Expansion. Luck. Abundance. Ruler Of Sagittarius | Pisces

Saturn- Restriction. Structure. Order. Routine. Ruler Of Capricornus | Aquarius

Uranus - Rebellion. Sudden Change. Revelation. Ruler Of Aquarius

Neptune- Imagination.Dreams. Illusion.Just Be

Ruler Of Pisces

Pluto- Transformation. Rebirth. Ruler Of Scorpius

South Node - Karmic Past. Safe-Comfort Zone.

North Node - Potential. Headed Direction.

Lilith- Extremes. Fascination. Denial.

Chiron -Wounded Healer. Inner Teacher.Ruler Of Ophiuchus⛎

Path Of Fortune -Great Success. Purpose.

Vertex -Destined Events.


1st – Self – Ruled By Aries

2nd – Possessions – Ruled By Taurus

3rd – Communication – Ruled By Gemini

4th – Home – Ruled By Cancer

5th – Creativity – Ruled By Leo

6th- Service -Ruled By Virgo

7th – Partnership – Ruled By Libra

8th – Sex. Rebirth. – Ruled By Scorpius

9th – Philosophy – Ruled By Sagittarius

10th - Career – Ruled By Capricornus

11th – Community – Ruled By Aquarius

12th – Spirituality – Ruled By Pisces

Go More In Depth With Information

In The Link Below ⬇️

The Planets Rule The Days Of The Week

Monday - The Moon

Tuesday - Mars

Wednesday - Mercury

Thursday - Jupiter

Friday - Venus

Saturday - Saturn

Sunday - The Sun

Retrograde; When A Planet Is Spinning Backwards. Taking Us Through Challenges, Feeling Of Backwards Movement To Spring Us Forward. To Bring Forth Experiences That Shift Us Into Growth & Into Our Divine Alignment.

2024 Retrogrades

Learn About Your Chart Placements In Both Western - Tropical & Vedic- Sidereal Astrology

Use The Settings Button & Change The Option Field From Tropical Astrology To Sidereal (Lahiri) For Your Vedic Chart Placements.


Book An Astrology Breakdown Service With Me,

Where I Will Bring Guidance To You For Your Personal Chart.

I Will Do The Work For You & Give You A Chart Placement Write Up In Both Western & Vedic Astrology.

You Can Also Learn How To Read Your Current Astrology Something I Like To Call Galactic Astrology Which Showcases The Alignments In Current Time Using Nasas Satellites & Any App That Is Connected To These Satellites Showcasing The Constellations & Planets In Real Time.

Learn More About This In The Blog Post Below

Use The Link Below To Learn About The Energies Of Each Asteroid In Your Chart

To Learn About The Asteroids You Will Have To Do Some Extra Searching As Not All Of The Asteroids & Their Energies Will Be Available In The Link Below

Major Aspects

Conjunction - 10 Degrees

The Most Powerful Aspect; When Two Celestial Bodies Come Together Within 10 Degrees Of Each Other Merging Energies, Amplifying The Energies Of Both Celestial Bodies. Neither negative Or Positive. Intensifies The Energy Of The Planets.

Square - 90 Degrees

A Major Aspect. Two Or More Celestial Bodies Are 90 Degrees Apart Or Within 9 Degrees Of That In Either Direction. A Disharmonious Aspect; Indicating Challenges That Lead To Growth, Drive & Development Of Character.

Opposition - 180 Degrees

A Major Aspect. Two Planets Oppose Each Other, Forming 180 Degree Angle Or Within 9 Degrees Of That In Either Direction. A Disharmonious Aspect; Creating Friction & Challenges For Potential Growth, Drive, Dynamism, Intrigue & Achievement.

Trine - 120 Degrees

Most Harmonious Aspect. Two Planets Falling 120 Degrees Of Each Other Or Within 9 Degrees Of That. Energies That Blend Easily & Harmoniously.

Balance & Harmony.

Sextile - 60 Degrees

Two Planets Falling 60 Degrees Apart Or Within 6 Degrees Of That In Either Direction.

A Harmonious Aspect. Weaker Than The Trine. More Effort Is Required To access Benefits.

Minor Aspects

Quincunx - 150 Degrees

Energies Cannot Merge. Can Be Challenging. With The Square & Opposition, It Is Difficult To Merge Energies. With The Quincunx The Energies Do Not Merge.

Example; If Your Job Is Conflicting With Your Values; The Energies Do Not Merge.

Semisquare - 45 Degrees

Less Potent Version Of The Square. Mildly Disharmonious

Sesquisquare - 135 Degrees

Similar To The Semisquare. Mildly Disharmonious.

Semisextile - 30 Degrees

Less Potent Version Of The Sextile. Mildly Harmonious.

Aspect Patterns

Grand Trine - 3 x 120 Degree Angles

Equilateral Triangle Formed By 3 Trines Or 120 Degree Angles.An Easy Flow Of Energies & Natural Gifts. People With Grand Trines In Their Birth Charts Will Bring Balance & Harmony To Those Around Them. Work Is Necessary To Unlock Gifts. Typically The 3 Celestial Bodies Will Fall Into One Element.

Fire Grand Trine - Gifts On Inspiration - Psychic Abilities. Passion. Athleticism.

Earth Grand Trine - Gifts Of Stability, Grounding, Pragmatism, Sensuality

Air Grand Trine - Gifts Pertaining To The Mind & Communication. Logic. Wit.

Water Grand Trine - Spiritual, Intuitive, Emotional Gifts. Natural Empathy. Nurture. Healing.

T Square - 1 Opposition 180 Degree + 2 Squares 90 Degree Angles

Powerful Struggles & Drive. - Leads To Suffering & Considerable Achievement.

Leads To Passion, Periods Of Intense Work.

Comes In Erratic Bursts. Requires Recharging.

Look Into The Post Below For Clearing & Recharging Your Energy

Release Tension Through The Focal Point Of The Triangle Within The T Square.

With Whatever Celestial Body Is In That Position.

The Key To Finding Balance With This Aspect Pattern;

Develop The Energies In The Empty Quadrant.

Grand Cross - 2 Oppositions 180 Degrees + 4 Squares 90 Degree Angles

Represents Remarkable Gifts, Accompanied By Great Struggle & Inflexibility.

Life Challenges Unlock Potentials. Gifted In Many Areas, Sometimes Finding It Challenging To Stick To One Direction. Forced To Find Centre, Balance & Harmony Otherwise Feeling Tensions.

As You Continue Along The Journey; Both Inner & Outer; Facing Deep Work & Fears.

You Have The Capacity To Become Accomplished & Significant In The World At A Large Scale.

Stellium -3 Or More Planets Fall Into A Single Sign Or House

Extreme Focus On That Specific Sign Or House; Tendencies. Direct Tremendous Drive, Self Development, Awareness, Activity Towards These Areas Of Life.

Look To The Opposite Sign Or House To Find Balance & Equillibrium.

Curious To Know What The Constellation & Planetary Alignments Are In Your Chart?Based On Your Date & Time Of Birth.

Your Soul Decided To Incarnate Here On Planet Earth During This Specific Date. Time & Location Providing You With These Specific Characteristics, For Your Soul Evolution.

These Are Some Astrology - Zodiacal Calculators That I Use To Calculate

My Western & Vedic Charts.

Learn More About The Different Types Of Astrology In The Blog Post Shown Above.

Calculate Your Placements Below

Change The Settings From Western To Vedic (Lahiri)

In The First Link (Astroseek)

Sun Sign Overview With Dates

Based On The Different Types Of Astrology I Use In My Breakdowns

Little Fun Fact Image I Came Across

When Cleansing Your Energy Pay Extra Attention To Your Astrological Blueprint.

Sun. Moon. Ascendant.

Use The Planetary | Constellation Alignments In Your Personal Birth| Natal Chart In Connection


We All Chose The Perfect Date & Time To Jump Through "The Portal" Our Mothers.

This Specific Date & Time Is Integrated With Divine Information.

This Information Can Be Decoded With Numerology & Astrology.

Learn More With Higher Education Kxo

Read The Blog Posts Associated With Each Tool.

Scroll Down On This Page & Read The Free Information Associated Within The Blog Posts Available;

To Provide You & Anyone Aligned With Higher Knowledge.

Must Read:

  • 15 Chakras - Teach A Basis About Your Energy Field ,The Energy Within & Outside Of You.

  • The Power Of The Sun & Moon

  • Astronomy Vs Astrology

If You Would Like Some Help Figuring Out Your Astrological Profile & Would Like To Connect About Your Astrology Chart Book A Breakdown With Me Below

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