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2024 Retrogrades

Updated: Aug 4

A Planet In Retrograde Simply Means That The Planet Is Spinning Backwards.

This In Turn Brings The Energy Of That Specific Planet; To Cycle Backwards Causing Events That Make Us Feel Like Were Going Backwards In Order To Spring Forwards.

Retrogrades Stir Up Emotions, Situations, Occurrences That Lead Us Towards Learning Lessons That We Haven't Yet Learned. Depending On The Planet In Retrograde Will Determine The Circumstance For The Lesson To Be Repeated Or To Showcase The Lesson Learned.

Do You Continue To Repeat The Same Cycle? Or Are You Learning From Past Experiences & Choosing A Different Path? Are You Ready For A Different Outcome ?

These Retrogrades Are Here To Help Us, Even Though They Seem Like They're A Menace In Our Lives At Times. They Are Helping Us To Evolve Through Our Actions & Behaviours.

The Retrogrades Will Shake Up Anything That Isn't Sturdy; For Example: Relationships With Venus Retrograde Will Be Shaken. The Energy Within Venus In Retrograde Will Remove Those Relationships That Don't Serve Our Highest Good.

What Planets Are Retrograde This Year?

Note : During This Time Frame For A Current Astrology Analysis,

Use My Galactic Astrology Method & Look Into The Apps That Showcase The Planets & Constellations; Like Night Sky To See Correct Dates.

As These Dates Are Projected Dates For Each Planet Going Retrograde.

You Will Feel The Energy In The Air Element Especially If You Are Living In

Higher States Of Consciousness. This Is The Why, The How.


Mercury Goes Retrograde 3 Times A Year

April 1st - 25th In Aries

August 5th In Virgo -28th In Leo

November 26th - December 25th In Sagittarius (Scorpius. Ophiuchus)

Mercury - The Planet Of Communication. The Mind. Intellect.

Ruled By Gemini & Virgo - Neutral

Indicating How We Speak, Learn, Write & Reason. How We Exchange Ideas. Assimilate Information. Mercury Is The Messenger & The Mirror; Relaying Information With Clarity & Precision. Connected To The Analytical Mind. Mercury Rules Curiosity & Intellectual Interests.

Evaluate How You Communicate & Actively Remain Present.

Authentically Speak Your Truth.

Work With Your Throat Chakra If You Feel That You’re Unable To Speak Your Authentic Truth, Your Thoughts & Feelings Clearly.

Work With The Throat Chakra

Crystals That Help With Speaking Your Authentic Truth

Blue Crystals

Amazonite. Aquamarine. Blue Tigers Eye. Blue Goldstone. Lapis Lazuli. Sodalite.

To Name A Few.

During This Period It Is Essential To Double Check The Details.

Be Mindful Of Miscommunications And Allow Extra Time For Travel & Technology Mishaps.

Tip: Always Save Your Work During Mercury Retrograde,

Especially Before Posting When Creating Content; Thank Me Later!

I've Learned Too Many Times The Hard Way During Mercury Retrograde.


Pluto Retrogrades Once A Year For Approx. 6 Months

May 2nd In Aquarius - October 12th In Capricornus

Pluto - The Planet Of Transformation. Rebirth. Surrender. Power.

Ruled By Scorpius

Ruling Death & Rebirth. Healing. Regeneration. Obsession. The Messenger. Moves The Old Into The New. Letting Go Of Attachments. Ways Of Thinking. Old Habitual Patterns. Emotional Attachments. Fears. Obsession. Power. Releasing Past Life Attachments. Bringing Change. Freedom. Liberation. Pluto Is Known As The Destroyer. It Ends A Movement Or Generation When It Moves From Sign To Sign. Marking The Beginning Of A New Era. Pluto Reflects The Struggles, Passions & Metamorphosis Of Each Generation. Pluto Helps Us To Achieve The Pinnacle Of Spiritual Advancement. It Destroys Anything Out Of Alignment With The Truth. Pluto Is The Shaman Leading Us To Realization. Pluto Helps Us To Break Free & Step Into The Unknown.

Pluto Placements Include Challenges, Obsessions & Breakthroughs.

Evaluate Your Relationship With Power. Embrace Your Inner Power.

Use Your Power To Empower Others.

This Period Invites Us To Dive Deep Into Our Subconscious.

To Release Old Patterns And Undergo Profound Inner Growth; Leading To Rebirth & Transformation. Its A Time For Personal Empowerment.

A Time To Embrace Our Inner Power.


Saturn Retrogrades Approx. Once A Year.

June 29th - Novemember 15th In Pisces

Currently Saturn Resides Right In Between The Constellations

Aquarius ♒️ & Pisces ♓️

According To NASA & The Satellites

Saturn - The Planet Of Discipline. Structure. Karmic Patterns & Responsibilities

 Ruled By Capricorn - Masculine

Saturn Brings Obstacles. Forcing Us To Mature By Presenting Adversity.

Restriction. Saturn Brings Order. It Rules Time & Restraints. Focus. Development. Discipline.

It Brings Out Our Ambition. Long Term Gains. Creation. Hard Work. Structure.

Saturn Brings Awareness Of What To Accept & What To Reject.

Where We Are Making The Same Mistakes Over & Over Again. Where We Resist Growing.

Saturn Shows Us That Where We Struggle Is Also Our Gifts.

As We Overcome Our Weaknesses, They Become Our Strengths.

Saturn Bestows Us With Longevity Helping Us To Attain Our Long Term Goals.

The Sign In Our Saturn Reveals Our Challenges, Where We Work Hard & How To Attain Mastery.

A Chance To Revisit Karmic Lessons, Which Are Gentler & More Familiar.

The New Karmic Lessons Will Focus On Self Discipline.

Discover Your Karmic Lessons Using Numerology; Calculated Within Your Birth Certificate Name.

You Can Access This Information By Learning How To Calculate Your Karmic Lessons In The Numerology 101 Course Or By Booking A Numerology Service Below

Saturn Retrograde Is A Time That Prompts Us To Review Our Responsibilities.

Our Boundaries. Our Long Term Plans.

Its A Chance To Strengthen Our Foundation.

A Time To Release Limitations & Build A Solid Framework For The Future.


Neptune Goes Retrograde Once A Year For Approx. 5 Months

July 2nd - December 7th In Pisces

Neptune - The Planet Of Spirituality & The Subconscious. Dreams & Illusions.

 Ruled By Pisces. Feminine.

Neptune Rules; Healing. Compassion. Imagination. Fantasy. Illusion. Dreams. Transformation. Peace. Faith. Trust In The Process. Presence. Uncertainty. Imperfection. Deep Aspects Of The Self. Ideals. Deep Emotional Understanding. Spiritual Connection. Compassion. Acceptance. Liberation. Freedom. Neptune Helps Us To Connect With Life's Invisible Layers. It Helps Us To Channel Creativity As It Is Associated With The Subtle Arts; Music, Poetry, Dance, Painting, Photography, & Film. Neptune Emits Universal Love For All Beings. Harmonious Aspects With Neptune Involving The Constellations Can Bring Tremendous Empathy, Immense Artistic,

Psychic & Spiritual Gifts. Requiring Saturn's Lessons To Unlock Its Gifts.

Neptune Smashes Illusion, Giving us The Sometimes Surprising Opportunity To See Ourselves More Clearly, Unlike The Other Retrogrades. Neptune Forces Us Out Of Our Comfort Zone.

During This Period, Its A Time For Introspection, Spiritual Exploration, And Releasing Illusions. It Encourages Us To Connect With Our Intuition, Seek Clarity,

And Dissolve Any Illusions That May Be Holding Us Back.


Chiron Goes Retrograde July 26th - December 29th In Aries

Chiron - Point Of Healing.

The Wounded Healer. Inner Teacher. Key To Wisdom.

Connected To Our Traumas. Experiences That Have Caused Us Pain.

This is A Time To Take Action Within Your Healing Journey.

A Time To Focus On Doing The Inner Work.

To Release, Let Go, Surrender Our Burdens And All That Weighs Us Down To The Universe.

Give It To God | The Creator | Source | Higher Power

A Time To Learn That Every Experience Is A Lesson To Grow From & To Help Others

Based Upon Our Experiences, That Are Going Through The Same Thing.

Learn From The Past Cycles That Continue To Repeat Until The Lesson Is Learned.

Once You Have Learned The Lesson & Self Developed, You Can Be Someone Of Service.

Become The Teacher; The Wounded Healer.


Uranus Retrogrades Once A Year For Around 5 Months

September 1st - January 30th 2025 - In Taurus

Uranus- The Planet Of Evolution. Innovation. Change.

Ruled By Aquarius - Neutral

Uranus Is A Planet Of Intuition. Rebellion. Revolution. The Most Intuitive Of All Of The Planets. Uranus Brings Originality. Freedom. Awakening. Unexpected - Unpredictable Change. Eccentricity. Unique Characteristics. Progressive & Innovative. Uranus Brings Creative Genius & Flashes Of Insight. Taking Our Ordinary Perceptions And Adding Crystalline Dimensions.

Uranus Pushes Boundaries & Rebels Without Second Guessing Driving Us Forward. It Brings Out Authenticity. Uranus Is Deeply Humanitarian. It Embodies The Potential For Creating An Enlightened Society. Upholding Values Of Open Mindedness & Acceptance.

Uranus Rules Technology & The Future.

Your Sign In Uranus Will Include How You Rebel.

Your Contribution To Changing The World And Revolutionizing The Status Quo.

Saturn's Lessons Determine How Much Access We Have To The Power Of Uranus.

A Great Time For Us To Look For A New Path Towards Accomplishing Older Intentions,

Using Its Energy To Help Us Think Creatively.

This Period Encourages Us To Break Free From Old Patterns, Habits. To Embrace Our Uniqueness. To Create Positive Transformations In Our Lives.

It's Time For Liberation & Personal Growth.


Jupiter Goes Retrograde Once A Year.

October 9th - February 4th 2025 In Gemini

Jupiter - The Planet Of Expansion. Abundance. Luck.

Ruled By Sagittarius - Masculine

Jupiter Represents Good Fortune. Abundance. Growth. Development. Opportunities.Wealth. Wisdom. Faith. Jupiter Tells Us Where We Have Luck. What Comes Easily To Us. Where Doors Are Likely To Open For Us. Jupiter Shows Us How We Orient Towards Religion, Ideology, Prosperity.

Higher Education. Our Beliefs. What We Tolerate. Jupiter Includes Our Philosophies.

How We Find Expansion, Luck, & Success.

A Reminder That We Need To Do The Work, To Achieve Our Dreams.

Realign To Your Authentic Self During This Retrograde.

This Period Invites Us To Reflect On Our Belief Systems.

To Seek Inner Wisdom, And Reassess Our Goals.

Its An Opportunity To Refine Our Visions And Align With Our True Desires.


Mars Retrogrades Approx. Every 2 Years.

December 6th In Leo- February 25th 2025 In Cancer

Mars- The Planet Of Energy, Action. Physical Exertion. Initiative. Sexuality

Ruled By Aries - Masculine

Mars Indicates The Style Of Aggression. It Indicates Our Drive. Our Temperament. Our Passions. What Captures Our Attention At First Sight. Mars Brings Courage. Confidence. Determination, Ample Energy To Take Action & Complete A Task. It Is Our Bravery & Virility; Helping Us To Take Risks & Move Ahead. Where & How We Assert Ourselves Towards Goals. Deep. Instinctual. Our Will. Our Sex Drive. Our Desires. Overcoming Obstacles. The Need To Get What We Want. How Active We Are.

Look Your Issues In The Eye And Tackle Them.

Once And For All Self Care Is Your Best Friend During Mars Retrograde.

During This Period It Is Wise To Avoid Impulsive Decisions & Conflicts. Instead, Focus On Inner Strength, Channeling Energy Into Personal Power & Growth As This Planet Will Bring All Of The Energy Within & You Will Have Access To It. This Is A Great Time To Plan For The Future That Awaits You. A Time To Take Action On These Endeavours.


Venus Does Not Go Retrograde This Year.

It Goes Retrograde Approx. Every 1.5 Years.

Venus - The Planet Of Love. Money & Relationships.

Ruled By Libra & Taurus - Feminine

Beauty. Creativity. Harmony. Abundance. Pleasure. Luxury. Attraction. Values. Principles.

The Artist. The Lover. The Goddess Of Peace.

What We Consider Beautiful. What We Spend Money On. What We Enjoy.

What We Desire From Our Partners. Our Love Language.

How We Connect With Partners & Friends. How We Express Ourselves Artistically.

 Venus Indicates How We Relate To Aesthetics.

Our Personal Style. Relationships. Our Charm. Wealth. Sensuality. Love.

Old Relationship Issues May Arise.

Heal Those Issues During This Time.

When Venus Goes Retrograde This Will Bring A Test To Relationships.

To Make Or Break Your Relationships. This Can Also Bring Introspection And Reevaluation To Matters Of The Heart; Partnerships & Self Love.

Its A Time To Reflect, Reassess And Cultivate Harmony.

Your Astrological Chart & The Constellations Paired Up With the Planets

Will Play A Part During These Retrogrades.

Find Out What Zodiac - Constellation Is Paired With These Planets In Your Chart

That Are Going Retrograde This Year.

Learn More About Your Chart By Inputting Your Birth Details.

Learn More About Astrology & Astronomy By Reading The Blog Post Titled:

Astronomy Vs Astrology

A Brief Overview & Understanding Of Your Astrological Birth Chart & Placements

Learn Both Your Western | Vedic Astrological Chart Placements

Learn More About Planets In Retrograde & What That Looks Like In Terms Of The Energy

Being Cast Out Onto The Planet Affecting All Of Us

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