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Chakra Balancing Education & Techniques Program

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Educate Yourself Of Your Energy Body. Learn About Your Auric Field - The Layers Of The Energetic Body. Learn About The 15 Chakras That I Have Been Working With. Learn About The 7 Main Chakras In Depth Determine What Chakras Are Open. Closed. Underactive. Overactive. In Balance Within Your Energy Body. Learn How To Open. Activate & Balance Each Chakra Using; Sound Frequency. Chanting. Affirmations. Meditations. Yoga Poses. Diet. Colour Therapy. Embody Your Practice To See & Feel The Results. Open. Activate & Balance Your Personal Chakras For Optimal Health & Balance In Your Daily Life. Open The Connection With The Other Chakras Less Talked About - The Higher Heart. The Causal. The Zeal Point. Bonus: Information Available Within This Program. Connect With The Transpersonal Chakras - The Earth Star. The Soul Star - The Over Soul. Stellar Gateway. Galactic Gateway & Divine Gateway. (More Information On These Transpersonal Chakras Coming To The Blog)

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Chakra's - Prana Life Force Energy


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